Monday, January 15, 2024

Another Snowy Day....

 My neighbor's clump birch is looking good out there in the snow.  I miss my birch that I planted at the old place but I do get to enjoy this one withou having to rake its leaves. 

We have had almost 24 inches of snow.  I don't have a big enough snow blower so I have to chip away at it so to speak.  I knock down the taller stuff with shovel then snow blower it away.  The stuff down by the read is impossible as the road people pile it up out of the street.  I am glad they clear the street but all that on the side freezes into blocks of ice.  Down by the garbage can I do have two thirds of it now gone since I took that photo.  I will rest up before I go back out this afternoon and chip away again.  


 There is a glaze of ice under it all and when I fell down on it, my wife of course was watching.  I have learned how to fall gracefully and just roll into it.  I held on to the handle and that didn't help me out at all.  

It was time for another cup of coffee when I came inside.  I have a new coffee maker and the carafe had a full cup of coffee left and ready for me. 

The sparrows usually don't like eating from this feeder but they seem like they must be really hungry. 

We have Iowa Caucus Night tonight.  It will be good to get all of those political ads off the tv.  The rurn out to see Kaitlln Clark play girls Iowa basketball two days ago was fifteen thousand so I don't think the weather is going to stop things tonight.  I know we can get our car out today but we are going to wait one more day to go get groceries. We may even go eat a meal out since we have been snowed in for two weeks. My drive may be too slick to drive back in so I will have to back into the neighbors drive and gun it to get up the incline.  Adaptation is the name of the game.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope you get to the grocery store okay and back home again. Looks like you really got dumped on. Stay warm. Hope you are not too sore from your fall.

  2. Yikes that seems like some tricky driving to get in and out of the driveway.

    I know you like to do stuff yourself, but couldn't someone help you?

    I am not looking forward to more political ads this year.
