Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Middle of the Week....

 Yesterday afternoon I got my snow blower going at the first try. I then made one trip down to the mailbox. It was so difficult as the snow was very wet and heavy. I just quit in discouragement.

This morning I tried it again and things worked better.  The snow had been frozen through and settled just a little. My blower is too small for this job but I kept at it. You can see that at the end of the drive the city clears the roads and it does create a big pile.  I had to shovel off the top layer of it and then took the blower to the bottom half. I did finish this job and it isn't so pretty but it will work.  Some people like to get every bit of snow off but I don't find that neccesary. 



 We ended up with over ten inches of snow.  It did blow it around and we did have deeper areas than that. I can now get out of the house with the drive cleared as I have some meds waiting for me to be picked up soon.  It may snow again tonight.  Our temps have dropped now as we woke up to 17° F. this morning.  It isn't going to warm up for quite a few days. We officially have winter. 

Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. Ten inches of snow, it sure looks beautiful but it makes life hard for working people !
    Lots of work there Larry, be careful.
    Your pictures are stunning.

  2. I see you have done some of the snow removal, I know it is hard work especially at the end of the drive where the plow goes it gets hard like concrete. Stay warm! It rained this afternoon here.

  3. That is quite a job! Well done and it is hard work. Yesterday I shoveled a path around the house so I didn't have to walk through knee deep snow to do chores.

    We got plowed out and our plow guy said it was a really terrible job to do this time.

    We just got sent a Winter Storm Warning for tonight...Thursday through Saturday morning.
