Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Middle of the Week's Worth.....

 The snowbanks are shrinking. We have reached 56° F. temp and that is causing some water to stream down our street gutters. The sun shines bright and it almost looks like a spring day. I know it won't last but it is nice to walk out to get the mail without a coat. 

The backyard is in the shade. It is slower going but it still is putting moisture into the ground.  Any moisture is welcomed. Our drought report now says we are eleven inches low of rain.  Snow doesn't make up much rainfall. 

The last winter storm was hard on my stag decoration.  The snow built up on its back and collapsed its front legs.  It is fixable and I did take the disabled deer down to the  back of the house for storage.  Again I can fix it. 

While walking outside this morning I did see that the new iris rhizomes popping up a little bit.  They are new iris from my neighbor that moved away and I am glad they are doing  so well.  There will be snow again to cover them back up again.  It isn't even February which is our worse winter month of the year.

The hardy geranium in a pot is liking the light from outside.  It makes me think spring even though it is months away.  I know that I have to wait.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. My iris plants are sticking up too. But the ones that are nicest are the ones that were covered in deep snow.

    Looks and feels like spring today. I think we are in for a snowmelt run off which means I'll be hanging out at the creek and dry runs this afternoon!
