Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday's Mentions.....

 Yesterday was a busier than usual day for us. We had a luncheon to attend at noon as a meet and greet of the ministers at a new church we are attending.  Right after that we started on a journey to southern Iowa. I lost a first cousin and the visitation was at Corning, Iowa.  It is quit a change of scenery as it is all rolling hills and a sparse sets of farmhouses spotted along the way. This photo has a mystery item in it to let you know what we saw the farther south we traveled.

Iowa has over 6,000 wind turbines scattered throughout the state.  Texas has more than us but we are the second largest amount.  

When you view the house and barn in this photo you can see how large these turbines are.  The cost at least 1.5 million dollars each. 

They are remarkable to see so many of them scattered up and down the hills. I know the government subsidies the building of them for the sake of environment but also their is a rental fee paid towards the farmer.  It is like the farmers planing windmills for a living rather than corn. 

Here a farmer works around them as he does still raises hay and probably beans on the land around them. 

The land reminds me of my dad's farm from when I was a kid. My dad would squeeze out every possible place to plant on the hills and between the timber.  You can see the farm field here in the foreground that is lined by trees. 

My cousin was 69 years old and suffered from thyroid problems all of her life.  She was able to still marry and have three boys who are all grown men now. She lost her husband a few years ago. She actually had a great grand daughter.  Jeanette was younger than me and lived most of her life in small Iowa towns.  The last place she lived was Corning, which was a town built on those hills.  The main street is at a thirty degree angle with the world and the buildings are built on the level. Their sidewalks lean downhill out front of them.  It is an old town where Johnny Carson was born. The funeral home is in an old four square house with the whole main floor cleared to have a funeral parlors like the past.  This is the second first cousin that I have lost in the past two years.  They were actually nine days apart in age.  

We are resting up today after my visit to my endocrinologist at a morning appointment, downtown Des Moines. It is Monday and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. It looked like a good day to travel at least! We didn't have sunlight until about noon.

    Sorry about the loss of your cousin.

    It has been a while since I've been to that part of Iowa. I forget exactly how flat and wide open it is.
