Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Snow Capped .....


My garden cupola  is covered with the snow of the past two storms.  It will be my beacon of measure when we hit warmer temperatures next week.  I am not sure we will  be above freezing but it will be warm enough for the sun to do a little melting.

My geese are also layered with snow.  They tend to also help me know what the weather is doing when snow starts to slide off of their backs.

Another shot of Old Blue, the tree usually reacts differently to the temps.  The wind messes with it and strong winds can cause the snow to drop.  As you can see the strong north winds have taken off snow on the left side of it.  We are going to just stay frigid for a long time so who knows how long we will look like this. 


Our streets have been bladed one more time in the night but it can't take off the ice. We are going venture out tomorrow and just keep building our grocery list.

I have done all that I plan on doing on the drieway. I should be able to get out with the car easily now.  I worked on it one more time this morning and widened things some more.  Our garbage didn't get picked up so we just leave it there until they do come.  

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. That is a lot of snow, it's beautiful to look at but such a disruption to everyday life if you still have to venture out.
    I love seeing your pictures Larry, thank you for sharing !
    Stay warm.

  2. The worst part of a heavy snow storm is the build up at the end of the driveway. I'm glad I share a driveway at the top of the hill and that the neighbor up there deals with the snow plow mess.
    I go out and shovel our mailboxes out and clean things up.

    Tomorrow is a venture out day also for me.

  3. Looks like you are dug out! Looks like more snow than you have had in a few years:)
