Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tuesday's Stuffs.....

 I didn't take so many shots of my wife's stuffed animal tree this season.  I find new discoveries as I now do  take shots of some of the different creatures.

 One of my former students who was in my son's class, has a teenage boy in the University Hospitals. He has had surgery to remove a tumor on a part of his brain. Things have seemed bleak but prayer and time has helped to give  him some healing. The latest photo of him shows most all of the tubes removed and he is sleeping. Next to him is a furry brown teddy bear helping to comfort him. It warmed my heart to see him seeking comfort and I hope it helps him to sleep, which is what he is needing.

I had not remembered that my wife had a dog with large eyelashes. It has big ears and a large nose also.

I would call this one fluffy if it were a real dog. It is a small stuffed animal with lots of personality. This tree will be the first to be taken down as Christmas decorations come down. .

On bear with history is the one that was sewn by a cousin.  The material used was from one of my wife's aunts old coat. The poor bear was gifted to my wife from a cousin who was a smoker.  It still has a slight hint of smoke on it. We should spray it with deodorant. He could be called old Smokey.

One last stuffed animal that I am sharing tells how long my wife has been collecting. The white bear is in a bag that is labeled with 2000 on it. I had not ever noticed that before now.

We have had a cold day again today.  I put on my stocking hat and then did go out and take down some of my outdoor lights. I didn't take everything down, as I left my lighted deer out there and also the garland around the door.  They could stay out there for the whole month.  Snow may happen next week and we do need the moisture.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope the teenager has a speedy road to recovery...so sad to be ill at Christmas. Lots of scary things out there.

  2. The bears and bear tree are precious, and I am praying for healing from the young man who had surgery.

  3. I sure hope that the teen recovers and does well.
    The bear tree is wonderful and so full of great memories.

    I am looking forward to some snow, I know you probably aren't!
