Friday, February 2, 2024


 Looking out the downstairs bedroom window I can see winter in decline.  Its not a big deal as I know February can be our hardest time of winter. I really feel lucky to have inherited this blue spruce as it takes me farther away than just living in Iowa.  The neighbors two trees gives us a forest feel. 

In another room downstairs is the trundle bed area. I made this from the young boys two twin beds from a long time ago.  The youngest son is 45 years old so you know the beds are old. The quilt top fits here well. The curiosity of the quilt top will remain unanswered. People who lost their moms who were quilters would give my mom their unfinished quilts. When we closed down the house I found this one that is a great traditional pattern. It is just the top and was never put into a quilt.  I too gave quilt pieces to one of my friend's wife that she could use for creative things. 


 Pick a chair to use if you have a doll. We took down some of the dolls and haven't returned them. It is Friday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice doll chairs!

    I love that quilt pattern, it is so colorful and cheerful. I had a trundle bed too. I wish I had one now in the living room but there isn't enough room for it!

    Looks like things are melting!

  2. I've always liked trundle beds, they are so versatile.
    Your snow is finally melting away ...yay !
