Saturday, February 24, 2024

Going Down....and Up Too.

 As I was out checking on the property I took so candid shots. It so great to see it with the snow all gone.

Fifteen steps to the deck. The carpenter who built this would say he had to do 15 to get things up and down.  It is a fun way to get down but not so fun going up. 

the red twig dogwood is really red at this time of the year.  I trimmed it down a bit during the summer as it is getting overgrown. 

We are budding early this winter.  I know from experience that snow doesn't bother early buds an ice storm does damage. It was good to get outside and see what the winds and snow storms did to things during the winter.  I did find this hydrangea head that had blown up against the fence.  I don't think it came from my plant as it was large like the neighbor's up the street.  I told the new neighbor that you have to get use to thing blowing down the street. I picked up a plastic bag that once held crisp chocolate cookies. I am betting that came from the neighbors up the street that have five kids. 

I talked with my brother today who lives in California.  He turned 81 today.  He was out checking for rattlesnakes in his garden when I first tried to call him. His dog had a snake bite in the summer and they had to give him a shot to bring him back. My  brother has cleared the flower bed of brush and still checks it everyday before he lets his dogs out into the back yard. His house sits on a hill that is undeveloped that attached to a major freeway at the bottom of the hill.  The land is sandy dry with lots of natural shrub on its slope.  It makes for good rattlesnake dens. 

Thanks for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. Those are some steep looking steps but I bet you are happy there is no snow on them anymore!

    Yikes on the Rattlesnakes!

    We have them on the river bluffs above the Mississippi River.
