Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Melting on the Middle of the Week....

 Before isn't that big but it is a snowbank leftover from the 27 inches of snow last week.

The after shot looks like this as the drift keeps shrinking. We are going to get up to 58° F. again today so it may even disappear. 

On the southern side of the yard you can see that alll the snow is gone. It really doesn't look like spring as our daylight is gray as we have overcast skies. 

The Christmas tree on top of the chest is gone and the glassware is migrating back.  I have a lot of vases of various sizes and colors that I store on a shelf just outside on the garage shelf.  It makes it handy for selecting something when I buy new cut flowers. I also can pick out things to use to decorate the chest or shelves. The green tumbler is one of my mom's which there is a set of six of them. I guess she got them during her early time of marriage but she never used them once. I guess she might have put flowers in one on rare occasions. I guess shore stems of lilac fit into them.

On the shelf are just things on display. Objects in our house always have memories of times or people.  I bought the middle tea pot and smaller creamer at an antique store in Ames, Iowa. The are Czech and the glazes are really bad on them.  It was less expensiive and fun to have them because they are old. The platter is a fond memory of my wife's late friend.  She loved buying stray items at thrift, junk, shops when she needed something for a meal she was serving for guests. The platter was needed when she served roast to us at one time. It is fine china with a great pattern on it.  We we closed down her apartment there were all sorts of things, one of a kind, that she had picked up for a buck or two. 

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. I love the one of a kind stuff. I have a few china tea cups like that also.

    We are headed for a record high today and thunderstorms tonight. How odd to have in February!
