Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Middle of the Week,,,,,Cold!

 My pottery vase of pussy willows didn't have to wake up to 14°F. outside.  They are too early but the are tough and will survive our cold temps.

My cockatiels were napping when I was hanging around with my camera. They tolerate the camera now and don't get spooked when I aim at them. 

The brother is giving me the eye but is really wanting to stay in his nap time. These two birds were hatched in one of my cages years ago.  I had read how to put in a nesting box on a cage and their parents instantly put out two new birds.  I didn't take the nest down and they again withing a month had three more hatch.  In time I gave away a pair of the seven. In time I lost the parents and these brothers had a sister that fell and broke her wing causing her to die.  I read that they can live to be 15 years old up to 25 years old.  I bought them a large cage when I moved to the new house and they enjoy flying and walking around on the bottom of the cage. 

The outdoor birds are really hungry with the cold weather.  We were at 74°F. yesterday and dropped to 14°F. last night.  We will be up to 31°F. today and then we warm up again tomorrow. I guess I will just always carry a coat and decide if I need it once I get out there.  

 The willow tree is about three houses up from us.  We don't see it normally from the house as it is blocked by the neighbor's sunroom.  I like to take shots of it when I am in the back yard,  I have lots of memories of this kind of tree from people who had them on their farms when I was a kid.  Every owner would have a story as to how they took a stick from a tree and put it into the ground to get a tree.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It's crazy changeable weather here today too, from 12°C to -5°C in a few hours, and the snow now blowing horizontally!

  2. I've heard stories about willows that way also and see folks that keep trying it. Some fail and some get it done.
    I've always admired willow trees.

    Yes, the up and down weather is difficult to deal with!
