Friday, February 16, 2024



The snow shoes are old sneakers. The venture to the outside gets my hems of my jeans soaked with snow.  It still gave me a good time finding new things to photograph. My snow boots are upstairs in a closet so I can't complain. 

My geese have snow on their backs showing how much snow accumulated.  It is cheap sculptures in the yard so to speak and I enjoy seeing them out there. 




My forest of trees are enhanced by the snow fall.  I did have to shovel snow off the sidewalks this morning but we are warm enough with our ground temperatures that a lot of this is going to melt by late afternoon.

It is Friday and I really don't have a major project going on.  I am preparing my extra fish tank with fresh water so I can start the tank cleaning process.  I will move all the fish out of one of the tanks and then give it a full cleaning, no soap of course. The exercise of shoveling sidewalks is a good reason for me to rest for a while.  Thanks for checking in today.

Hey, check out my wife's newest art work on her blog.  Just click on the photo of the horse on the side column and you can see it.


  1. You've got about the same amount of snow as we do.

  2. We had snow and ice in that storm.

    Great photos and wonderful art by your wife!!!!!
