Friday, March 1, 2024

Birdhouse Follies...

 This birdhouse has become a permanent display item in the sun room.  It moves around on end tables or table. It is more sculpture/art for me and like to appreciate it for its great design. If I would turn it the opposite side has a different design.

 This is the other end view of the house.  It looks a little more like a Swiss alps chalet. In reality a birdhouse has only one opening but when you are being creative one just makes two different ends.

This one also is a piece that will never go outside.  It is in the basement and also is on display as art/sculpture. 

This outside sculpture is a restored cupola.  I had it on my garden shed at the old place and it was there so long that the base started to rot.  I built this in the winter inside our art studio and then put it up on the newly built garden shed at that time.  Before selling the place I took it down and brought it to the new place. Much rebuilding  it in my basement shop brought it back to be a garden piece. I was glad I didn't loose the shingles and roof so it was just left as it. 

Another spring report with this view of holly hocks coming up already. It took me a few years to get these to grow and it is a happy sight to see the leaves. Some rodents took out my entire crop of holly hocks one winter as they ate up all of the roots.

We are having warmer weather, 54°F., and will cool down to 35°F. in the night. We were out this morning but I worked inside all the rest of the day.  Worked on a framing job in the shop and I didn't have to go outside except for the mail box duty.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see your bit of green! It is a tad early for Hollyhocks!
