Friday, March 15, 2024

Friendly Friday....

 I usually always think of pussy willow bushes to be a bush. We inherited this tree and it is big and is a pussy willow variety.  The small buds are now opening and putting out a fuzz into the air. 

During the fall I was thinking I would hire someone to take the tree down. It has a dead branch in it and it seems to lose big branches every few years. As of today when I look at the tree I am glad I did not take it down. I can get a power saw out and take out the dead branch.The tree does hang over to the one neighbor's yard, just one branch. I have another neighbor to the northeast that has no trees in his backyard.  In a way it is to his benefit to see it and not have to maintain it. 

I am still working on the backsplash.  It has its coat of stain and final coat on it now, even though I may still add to it.  I decided that I had to wait for that to dry and then I will figure out the bracket that are needed for attaching it to the whole body. 

Last year at this time we were so busy that we didn't remember to get out our bunnies un Easter day. We are ahead of the game this year and we put them out. I took lots of pictures but I see I haHave only two that made it in the downloading process. I will have to go back to my camera and reboot and reload more. 

I am having a slow day today, still adjusting with the time change and my diabetic medication. I think I am on the schedule now and  yet I am still reacting to the change. We are having a great sunny day and the temps are a little cool. We didn't get any more rain even though some of the state did. I guess a half of an inch is the blessing we appreciate.  Thanks for checking in today.

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