Monday, April 29, 2024

First Blooms....

 The fern leafed peony is starting to bloom.  It has a short blooming time so I like to photograph every development. 

I had to move the plant away from a new fence project so it set i back a whole year. It looks like I have man blooms this year.

One of my collected cemetery iris is looking great.  It has a lot of buds on it this year and looks like it might crowd things out if I don't stop it.

This is the first bloom of the season from that iris.  It is like a smaller one that still has great color.


  1. Our Fernleaf Peony is just ready to bloom - just a few warm days.

  2. Oh I love those colors! It looks great!

  3. Pretty flowers! Gene is back in the hospital again, fluid build up makes it hard to breathe. He may get out in a day or fun having them in the hospital! Hi to Della!
