Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Middle of the Week.....

 Shopping for the now 8 year old grandson was fun. He has a lot of things already.  I take photos and check it out with his dad to see it it will not be a duplicate.

The bluebells were pretty but they have had better showings than this year. Dry soil is still the problem.

The peonies sure have grown the past week. The tulips are holding so far.  My other ones elsewhere are already spent. 

A block print that hangs in the hallway of the surgery area.  Della is better than a week ago.  She has had problem swallowing and was on a liquid diet. It caused her to lose so much weight and I complained to a couple of doctors.  We have a specialist that has her now partially swallowing. It is ironic that it makes me so happy when she finishes a whole bowl of oatmeal, even when it is cold. Thanks for stopping by today.

My neighbors are taking turns to  mow my yard. That is so great. I am going to hire someone soon but I was so honored that they wanted to do that.


  1. You cannot beat good neighbors at all!
    I know my hubby had to go through swallow and speech therapy after they removed his PEG [feeding tube] years ago from having throat cancer. It took time and in the meantime, I made him super duper meals that he could drink. The meals were packed with protein and other goodies.

    I sure hope the doctors and staff get Della going in the good direction she needs to go.
    Again, your neighbors are awesome.

  2. Good to hear that Della is a bit better! Nice neighbors to help you out with mowing!
