Thursday, April 18, 2024


 When you are up at four in the morning you get to see views like this. The nurses come in and do the job, lights on bright, and wakening the patient. I took off for a while walking the halls and eating a bag of potato chips.  Washed it down with coffee.  The chips were a mistake as they sent my blood numbers sky high.  I didn't get to have a pancake for breakfast as my punishment.

Yes they are the same tulips but it is a different shot. The Rembrandt tulips are some of my favorites. 

My newest tulips that I planted last fall are not so impressive.  I suspect the drought gave them a slow start and maybe next spring they will be more showy.

When my wife was put on the ventilator they did some damage. It has been a while and she still can't chew and sallow food.  She is on a liquid food diet and really needs calories and nutrients to get the muscles restore.  It is frustrating as I had to call back the throat, swallow therapist and said things are not right. I watched my wife choke and stop breathing from a noodle in a chicken soup.  I did get the professionals attention and she is in every morning now.

It was a bad night for the patient and the husband caregiver.  I just think they are not giving her health enough attention unless I point things out. A sick person who has a fever and a bad  head ache isn't going to b able to tell how she is feeling.  A nurse should be watching them close enough that they can see something is wrong.


  1. You are doing an excellent job. I know many nurses and they are usually pretty overworked with many patients. I am not excusing that at all, but they will miss the nuances that you can observe.

    I've had that issue with several types of doctors and nursing staff. They do depend on you for advocacy for the patient.
    It is a very hard job and thank you for being her caregiver. It is a very difficult job to do.

    Your tulips are beautiful. I hope you can get some rest also.

  2. You have to advocate for Della, keep asking questions, asking why some things are going unnoticed. It is hard since you have been there for so many days. I hope she is well enough soon so you can go home and really get some sleep.
