Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday's Things.....


My wife has been moved from the Intensive Care to a short term unit room. Plans seem to be in the works to. get her into their rehab hospital program. She is better but has a long ways to go.  

The  hospital sits downtown so I get all sorts of views in the area.  The core I-235 cuts through the city.  I was out on it to go to a heart doctor's appointment.  Of course their was a minor crash on it and I had to m move toward my clinic at a snails pace.  Eventually I got off of it and too a major street the rest of the way. The red lights seem to be all working but I did get there.


  1. This is a good sign you're telling us about "Thursday's Things" again. Your wife must be feeling better!

  2. I thought Wow, when I seen the pics...I am glad Della is improving enough to be thinking about rehab.

  3. Good news on your wife's health improvement, sending continued thoughts and prayers her way.

  4. My best to Della! My husbands doctor said it takes one week for every day you are in the hospital, he was there nine days so nine weeks...which makes it the end of May before he is feeling normal again.
