Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Flowers and Stuff….

I still have some of these dark iris. The bloom early and have a long bloom time.

This is a good peony but Iowa is getting to be late in the season for them.

The blue of the Japanese iris is so great. They have been great bloomers this season,

When it rains the peonies take a dive. I wasn’t around much to see them this season.

 Not the shot that I wanted but you can see a rose bush and a geranium in the photo. I was intending to capture the three rose bushes in a row. I must have dipped when I took the picture.

I mowed my front yard this morning. I will return tomorrow for an appointment with the internet people. I will mow before or after the meeting doing the backyard. 
We had a walk through yesterday with the therapists of the health center to see how well Della can maneuver our main floor. She passed all of the major parts of the test and they are discharging her Tuesday of next week allowing her to return home Wednesday morning. I have to remove all of our throw rugs so she can run the walker with ease. She can do the two different stairs to get into our house, three steps either way but we will need to take caution as we do that task. A walk in shower will be installed in a month and we do have a set up so she can bathe in our one bathroom with a shower chair and hose nozzle. Getting her home for quiet rest and building back muscles more. She has weight to reclaim before she faces gallbladder surgery. It will be good for her to be home after being gone since March 25th.


  1. I am so glad to hear that Della will becoming home, it has been a long haul for you both.

  2. This sounds like good news. I am glad that Della is coming home and that she can get around.

    Your flowers look amazing!
