Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday’s Stuff…..

A cemetery iris that isn’t so impressive yet I collect it to honor its survival all these years.

I had thought that I had lost this iris. It’s an old traditional iris collected from an old cemetery. It’s contrasting of dark and light is so exciting with each color being so pure.

The iris called”superstition “ is unfolding for its morning display. I have three different plantings of this as I kept moving parts of it thinking the source plant was going to rot from a drainage pipe.

 The morning was hazy in the Des Moines river valley. You can see the trees that follow the river going south towards downtown Des Moines. When the river flows through the downtown area there are large historic bridges that span it.  The farmer shreds all that wood into mulch to be sold commercially.

1 comment:

  1. The old Iris are some of the best ones! Hope everything goes good with the plan to get Della home!
