Friday, May 17, 2024

More Blooms….

We are headed to the downtown Des Moines clinic for testing at 12:00 noon. It makes it a long day for my wife as she didn’t get to eat breakfast. 

I moved a  bunch of iris rhizomes to a blank space under the stairs .  It is nice to see them doing well there. Oh. weeds everywhere and one stray white in the bunch.

 A new bloom popped open overnight. It is a beautiful. I don’t know how I got that cemetery iris planted so close but there it is. I moved a lot iris out of an area where the soil was wet and there was clay filled soil. I guess I just find a blank spot and stick it there.


  1. Pretty blooms. My best to Della and to you too!

  2. Your Iris seem to be more robust and colorful this seaaon, could be all the rain we had earlier in Spring ?
    Sending healing wishes to Della.
