Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Having the rain is so wonderful but the early iris suffer.

I was told that we had tornado warnings last night but I slept through it all. I saw water on the deck and later water in potholes on the road. 

My wife continues to improve. She has such a lot of weight to gain back. She can swallow normally now and does have a good appetite. The food in the nursing home is somewhat home cooked in style, she was remarking to other as to their delicious lasagna. Her therapy sessions are so good for her. She is not walking yet but getting her to hold a stand is encouraging. She doesn’t snack  but I bought some oat raisin cookies to encourage it. Days for me are long but I am glad I can be there for her.


  1. Hi Larry, We are getting rain today too. How about some of those energy drinks for Della...or chocolate malts! I know Della is happy to have you there with her:)

  2. You probably were really tired last night!

    Your garden looks beautiful!
