Tuesday, May 28, 2024


My yucca took a year off from blooming. There will be four stalks this year.

My “knock out “ roses are doing well with a normal rainfall. For a few years of drought I forgot how great they look.

Bumblebee is the name of the variety of iris.

It really isn’t a black iris but the different companies like to market it that way.

 The sun isn’t behind the the pine tree. I really don’t remember how far the alignment goes but I will keep an eye on it.


  1. Your flowers sure are enjoying the rain! Wow, that is pretty amazing.

  2. If you hold out your fist at arms length, that is about how much farther it has to go, more or less. Lots of nice flowers. Hoping that your wife makes it home soon. This has been quite an ordeal for the both of you.

  3. Your Knocks out are so bright and cheery!
