Sunday, June 16, 2024

40th Wedding Anniversary.....

 We will be celebrating our day by ordering out from Olive Garden for our dinner. It has been a quiet day mostly except for the facetome call from the grandkids. Father's Day hits on our anniversary often through the years.

My wife is doing well now that she is home. She still uses the walker as a balancing tool but she is able to stand independently for long periods of times. It has been a week and a half since she is home from the Health Center. That five week stay was too memorable and time is helping us to forget it as time passes. It is so quiet in the house and we are enjoying it. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It will be mine and Tim's 40 Wedding anniversary in September. Hope you have many more good years together
    Beautiful flowers.

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate an anniversary!

    Happy Anniversary!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the update on Della! Happy Father's day to you Larry!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both, and a Happy Father's Day too !
    Yes, it takes time to readjust to bring home once again, I felt the same after being in rehab for two months, sending continued healing thoughts.

  5. Forty years is nothing to sneeze at and such pretty flowers makes us happy
