Friday, June 7, 2024

End of the Week....

 The mourning dove was so pleased to find all the sunflower seeds that were added to the feeder. I coul hear them singing outside in the early morning. 

The evidence I now provide to show how I have cuts on my arms and punctures in my fingers.  I will use gloves from now on as I am pretty cut up from the battle with the yellow rose.

My new neighbor says he solves the problems with roses by not growing any them.  I said to him that he misses out on all the fun. The yellow rose looks good now and one wouldn't think it would with all the dead wood that it had in it. 

My William Baffin is a climber and it is posing a problem for me,  It is so healthy and all the branches are all spread out on the ground. I have some of it tied up to a trellis but I need to redesign an additon support to get some more of it off the ground. 

 When we got home from the hospital stays and health care stay, my wife gave me my birthday present.  My old birdbath leaked and stopped holding any water after numerous tries to seal the cracks. The solar powered fountain is an added fun thing with different nozzles to use to get different kinds of sprays.

My block design is working.  I placed them there last year and the grass has filled in making the same effect as I had seen in a garden book. The grass will get cut tomorrow as the backyard gets it hair cut. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I used to have a lot of roses but over the years they died off. I do have 2 rambling roses left. Some of them are very prickly! Your yard and flowers are beautiful.

  2. Just popped over from the Far Side of Fifty and WOW what an awesome blog with amazing photos, I like photos of flowers and birds and I will be back to see more.

  3. You practically need a suit of armor to deal with roses:)

  4. Love all your pictures, Larry. So glad to hear that your wife has come home.

  5. I've never grown roses. We had some at our rental house when I was a kid and they were on their own, but survived some how.
    Those are beautiful.
    I love the way the grass filled in around the blocks!
