Friday, June 28, 2024


 The rains through the night and into the morning are so welcomed. I hope it gives us more than the small rains we have had in the past week. I waded out in the wet grass to get some newer shots for the day.

The cupola cottage garden area is shaping up with many blooms now. The new star gazer lily, light tan in color, is putting out great aromas. The phlox are just starting to bloom and yes the house looks like it is falling off of its post.  


 This star gazer variety of lily is wonderful.  I had three different colors of these at one time but I only one now that I have left.

There is a definite size difference between the adult mourning dove and one of its young ones. The thin neck gives this one away as being young 

One of the two brothers, cockatiel, took a fall in its cage two days ago. It died from its injuries. Yesterday I bought some zebra finches to keep the lone cockatiel company. the lone brother does call out for his partner once in a while but I am hoping these two with all their activity will keep him distracted from his missing one.  I did see a four hundred dollar cockatiel at the pet store for sale but I will bide my time. The neighborhood network link sometimes has birds that people want to give away for free. Life goes on and the two finch will be fun to watch as they are  young and are still growing to adulthood. 

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Your cottage garden is looking so pretty, I like seeing the cupo;a as focal piece.
    So sorry to learn your cockatiel has pased, hopefully the two little finches will become friends and fill the loss.
    Your garden is looking stunning.

  2. Sorry about your Cockatiel...poor boy probably had a stroke or something. The Zebra finches may be good company:)
