Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 A partial shot is better than no shot at all.  It was later evening and we were watching television when I glanced ou the side window. Grabbed the camera and shot wildly. 

The lighting is bad in the evening so I can't get much detail with the camera. I still like the wings put out such wonderful movement and I could capture it. 

Another visitor to the window at the same time is this bright yellow one.  The goldfinch  did turn to look at me for a second.

Another visitor was busy eating that one kind of leafed weed. He really was concentrating on taking it out. 

My true red day lily is now starting to share its blooms. I took the shot in low light and it did give me truer color than when it is in bright light. 


We had rain throughout the night.  It didn't amount to a lot but it was good to get it. My backyard is less green now as our heat has yellowed some of the grass.  It was a hot muggy day yesterday and we are cooled off some today. All of the hostas looks so robust but the roses are now finished blooming.  I need to dead head a lot of bushes. Maybe this afternoon I can venture out when the grass has dried.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Daylily! We have several rabbits...but a Fox has been seen in our yard chasing them:(
