Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday's Samples.....

 I had a cow bird visit the feeder this morning. They have that distinct brown head and dark colored body of feathers. 

I mentioned earlier that I was frustrated with the salvia taking over one area of my flower garden.  I solved the poblem.  I cut this batch back and put them in a vase so I could give another flower some room to grow.  I have another area where is has crowded in on a bleeding heart plant.  I may move the bleeding heart and see if I can find it a new home in my garden areas. 

This blanket flower is what I rescued in the crowded world of salvia. I thought I had lost it but it was trying to bloom. 

 The former owner has this planted all up and down the peony row garden.  The years of drought was hard on it but this year it really does look good.  I don't know the name of it but I use to pull it like it was a weed. I never bloomed like this is the dry season. 



My old leaking birdbath has a new purpose.  I don't know quit where I will place it but I think it will look great with moss rose in it.  I try to buy and plant the moss rose but last year I didn't find it for sale. The grocery store near the health center and a large nursery operation going on including a permanent green house for year round use at that store. 

It will take me weeks to catch up on the clearing of grasses and weeds from my flower gardens.  I didn't realize how being gone all of spring that I worked at it daily.  I did get some glad bulbs planted yesterday and I do have four tomato plants already in the ground from one late evening of planting.  I have grass mulch on them and plant to plant sunflower seeds at the other end. I have bushes that need to be trimmed and dead flower heads to cut back.  The lilies haven't started to bloom so the flower garden is in limbo right now with few to no blooms. I have hyacinths doing well and other things are popping up.  My new neighbors like the rhubarb and I see that the are picking it. It is a hot day and all the neighbors are playing in their pools.  I might go out and take pictures.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I haven't seen or heard of such a bird before, I like your flowers

  2. I wonder if the Salvia will come back again...I have some but after awhile I mow it over:) Nice use of your leaky birdbath! I hope Della is doing okay!

  3. Sounds like you have a lot of catching up to do. However just take it a bit at a time and it will all work out.

    I know I always feel like I am running behind in getting things done!

    You still have a beautiful place!
