Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday is the Day....

 I store bought these to celebrate my wife's great health progress. She walks around leaving her walker often. She is continually working to build back muscles everywhere and is gaining weight a little at a time. 

The backdoor view as I sit in a lawn chair and admire all that green. The bunny comes hopping thorugh and bees are landing on the flowers. Butterflies are very few in number at this time.

My oxalis are enjoying the outdoors weather.  They were pretty sad looking when I took them out to sit on the patio table. The rains drip down on them and they are looking so good.

The hydrangea puts out one more bloom. We are told that we are now completely out of the drought. These kinds of plants will do well next season having suffered through three years. 

I am building a railing for my stairs at the outside end of the house and it is too early to share photos of it. am designing as a go like I usually do and I am trying to use up some leftover wood from another project. I feel good about it even though I haven't had enough time to seriously work on it. I had to get a haircut in this morning and had some quality listening time with my neighbor lady. I need to buy some screws to keep the project going.  It did get hot outside by the time I quit.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear that Della is making progress! Your Coneflowers are lovely!

  2. We have pink Echinacea like that, but no Roses like that!
