Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Middle of Week.....

The hummers are busy hitting some of my flowers, my feeder and also the neighbor's feeder. Some stay for a long drink and others land for only a few seconds and take off again. 

I deadheaded the pink rose this morning. I will return with some strong clippers to take out all the dead stems. It had a lot of winter kill and yet still is a good sized shrub.  I also deadheaded my neighbor's knock out rose that sits there next to mine. After that I decided to mow the back yard. 

One other project was to move the zinnia plants around so they will fill in the whole flat. I don't have perfect rows this year and I am better it will look better.  My legs get cramped up doing this work so I uit before I fall into the whole bed. Tomorrow is another day and I can do some more transplanting. . 

These lilies open up at a different time that the regal lilies. This is the very first bloom of the many buds still on the stem. It isn't a tiger lily but its specks do remind me of one. 

We have no big plans for tomorrow. we will just be here.  We have a roast ready to eat and will enjoy being bombarded by all the fireworks around us. The weather is so great today as we have no rain but it is hot. Thanks for stopping by today.

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