Thursday, July 25, 2024

Shoes of History....

 They have served me well. I first bought them in 2019 and wore them while walking all over Israel. The younger guys of course had Nike shoes but my N shoes worked well for me. They have served me well  as everyday work shoes. Yesterday while mowing the yard my socks got wet from the dew on the grass. Both shoes are losing their rubber, plastic, soles. I have a hole in the one shoe for sure and then the other is flapping as I walk.  They are in the trash and headed for the landfill.

The stair railing is almost done. I know that the gaps look fumy but I have plans for planters between the sets of rails on the flat platforms. I worked on the project between mowing the front yard and the two appointments we had yesterday. I will mow the back yard this morning as soon as the foggy wet morning clears. 

I have always thought moss rose to be a special flower ever since I was a kid back on the farm sixty plus years ago. It foliage is so different and the flowers are so great. 

The weather has helped to keep these lilies going with a longer bloom time. Most of my day lilies are finishing up their bloom cycles. 

the smaller yellow day lilies that grow among the asparagus patch have just a few blooms left. I never picked a single stem of asparagus this year. The weeds seem to have taken over take them while I was vacant from the garden in the spring. 

After a late afternoon doctors appointment I ordered a carry out from Olive Garden for supper.  It was so great and the large amount of food allows us to get two meals from the order.  It is such great food and bread sticks.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The shoes looked well worn, it can be difficult to get rid of shoes that become like that due to how comfortable they are. The stair railing looks like it coming along nicely

  2. Hope your appointments went well. I like your railing, it looks good. Window boxes full of moss roses would look great:)
