Monday, July 1, 2024

The Beginning of the Week....

 The cottage garden is filling in with so many different flowers. It takes patience as a gardener when it all looks so green and at first there is not a single flower blooming. 

Most of the hydrangea blooms are starting to turn green except for this one pure white bloom. My cell phone picked up a lot of detail on all those small white flowers in the bunch. 

I cleared out most of the invasive vines that were growing, taking over, the area. The former owner left me with the vine and I don't like how it has creaped all around the house. The monarda doesn't look so good because the vine was taking over its growing space. I worked on this side of the house instead of dead heading more rose bushes. 

While I was out working I had the company of this mother rabbit.  I also had a baby bunny come hopping my way at the same time a chunk sprinted across the way. The neighbor showed the four new baby bunnies and now they are out and about looking for their own food. Notice the zinnias coming up in the two plots. Some morning I will get my trowel and shift things around to fill in the whole space of each side.

I mowed my neighbor's yard this morning.  I was going to stop and finish it later. But when I got close to being done I just plowed on. My wife always does here therapy exercise to the most and I thought I had to finish the job just like she does. It was good to get it done and I won't do it again for a week and a half. I have mowing to do in my own yard but I think we will have a rainy day Tuesday. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

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