Monday, August 5, 2024

Early Posting is Exciting.....

 The taste is great, the size is small, the gardener isn't watering as well as he should.  They can come slow in the harvest as I am the only one that eats a majority of them. My wife eats small amounts.

The sedum garden seems to be doing well. I try to not water it so much and it seems to like that. The stone projectile is agatize petrified wood from Wyoming.  It is a branch of wood that was turned to stone many years ago.

The second blooms for the season are showing up on all of my roses. This was a new one I purchased last year and it did struggle with the drought.  It is planted next to the front door and it is going strong now.

My yellow rose bush in the back is putting our new clusters of flowers. It did seem to rebloom less than early spring but it is still putting out some great flowers.

This sale item rosebush is doing so well at the foot of my stairs. Its multiple colors make it to be really special.  I have one other rose similar in color but doesn't grow into a full bush like this one does. 

It is a new variety of petunia along with one moss rose bloom. I am not working outside so much today as I have inside chores to do with the house. I have a lame right arm and am trying to work around that.  It is hard to stop being a right hander but if it hurts I think I sure can switch to the left hand and arm. We are going to be very hot again today.  I should water things but not until I get my household chores done first. No mowing will be done today as the neighbor lady's backyard doesn't have tall shaggy grass yet. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such pretty flowers and home grown fruit and veg usually tastes best

  2. Very exciting indeed! Looks like your veggies are awesome!

    Hopefully the weather will change and cool off!

  3. Such beautiful roses, I can almost smell them:)
