Friday, August 16, 2024

Finishing Off the Week....

 Clear skies means we will warm up today. The days are getting shorter but it will be more noticeable in the months to come. Kids going back to school changes all that goes on around here in our neighborhood. 

Looking down from the deck you can see my sunflowers are growing taller. They are the shorter variety. Also there are the four tomato plants and they too are getting to be tall. Scattered in there are some glads and just a few zinnias spotted here and there. Of course I need to mention the morning glories invading the whole patch and you can see them growing on the tomatoes in this picture. 

Most of my tomatoes are smaller this year. I don't know why except I didn't water them so much. I did fertilize and it rained a lot. 

I picked some that were not ripe as the chipmunks are eating on them.  The romas are bad about being on the ground so I pick them as soon as any color starts to show.

I bought groceries this morning and stopped off at Ace to get some crabgrass preventer. I spent the rest of the morning working with my spreader putting down some good stuff to stop it. I didn't get all the yard covered yet as it just got too hot to work out there. I had to stop and go inside. I can finish the rest of the yard tomorrow morning. It is windy again today but the sun still making it feel hot.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You are staying busy! Your Sedum looks great! :)

  2. Wow! Very busy indeed! The tomatoes look great as does the rest of your garden.
