Wednesday, August 7, 2024



This rose has a consistent growing trait where it puts out one bloom in the center of a group of five other buds. It does end up with a cluster of blooms but the center one is always the first to open. 



Color is the one real reason that I like planting zinnias. They have such pure hues with the mult=petaled texture to make them such a striking flower.  So different from the soft rose blooms. 

Yes, it a little bit like a weed. I don't have control of its vines but I can thin them out by pulling if I have to  for its invading in the wrong places. Purple is the only color that I have even though I did use to plant other colors. 

I have cleared away all of the tools and scrap pieces of wood.  I can now sit down on any of the chairs and enjoy the view from the patio. I never expected these hosta to look so great. It makes it seem almost tropical.

My other view from the same chair shows the back garden and also the neighbor's houses. I have gotten use to see them all in a row but I do get frustrated with some of them having such cluttered yards of swimming pools and all the aquatic toys the come with them. I usually crop that out when I share photos of the back yard. 

It is warmer today and I didn't have to wear a coat to be out there. I worked a little bit in the garden areas as there is always tweaking and weeding to do. I picked some roma tomatoes this morning. They grow so low  to the ground that I have to be careful. I did get a green one anyway as I sometimes pick by feel and not by clear sight of what I am doing.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful roses and yes the color of the Zinnia gets better with cooler night temperatures!

  2. Those colors sure are brilliant and my zinnias along with the morning glories are so beautiful right now. Unfortunately the storm that went through here demolished so many of my sunflowers!

  3. Stunningly beautiful rose there Larry, and the Grandpa Ott Morning Glories are a welcome repeat "offender" each season, despite being invasive. My cousin in Australia told me they are banned in tat country, and listed as a obnoxious weed.....pity.
