Friday, September 27, 2024



The sun was rising behind this cloud bank. It was exactly at the time when my phone said the sun would rise. 

 The surprising thing was I could see the sun shining off of the moon up above. I didn't expect to see that.

I did go out in the sun shine that happened later on and mowed the front yard. It was cool enough that I had to wear a parka during the time. It was a good time to work outside so I cleaned up some stray tomato branches leaving the ones with tomatoes still on the plants. I also started to trim down stray starts of trees in the flower garden. The grass in the shade is growing good but the direct sun parts of the yard look like the normal fall dry grass. 

I really do not know of this happening before with my iris.  It is dry and the plants, not all of them, but a lot of them are flattening out like this.  Usually they just dry back. 


My new adventure of the day was to install four of these solar light along the front of my terraced garden. The ground was very dry do it was a challenge.  I also pulled out lots of creeping phlox that has invaded the whole area. I may pull more of it out as it just crowded out my tulips and grape hyacinths. I didn't plant it there so I guess I can tear it out without the former owners' complaints. 

The moss rose was a successful plant in this old birdbath. I will do that again next spring. I know that they will last until a hard frost and then I will have to start again.  Seasonal changes does seem to cool us off already but the light change has not been that noticeable. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your Moss Roses are still looking good:)

  2. My moss roses are flourishing like mad! They are so beautiful. I wonder why your iris plants did that?

  3. Hi, great photos, I hope life is treating you well at this time
