Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Middle of the Week....


I enjoy using my stairs now with the new railing. I remember that it was difficult to not have a visual and actual railing to guide me up and down without thinking I could fall off the edge. 

 I bought this hosta thinking it was a different variety as the white showed up a few months later I think I already have this one. It was a deep green plain leaf at first. 



The off season blooming of the day lily is freakish but I am glad to have it anyway. It did dry out a lot and looked dead so my watering brought on a new season.


My vines are doing well in the flower boxes.  It doesn't help that I have been gone for a month at the hospital and things didn't get watered.  I had to move the one clematis in the middle box out and place it in the ground somewhere elsewhere.  The volunteer morning glories are blooming and I did get out to catch them this morning. 

I did get my bathroom walls painted yesterday and my muscles do hurt today.  I took out the woodwork, baseboard at the bottom of one wall and I am in the process of refinishing that. My new paint is called ballet white. It looks great and now I think I need to put down new floor tile. We didn't pick out anything in the bathroom except the new walk in shower so we feel good about changing things in there. Picking out new floor tile will be a challenge but it can be done. I will let my muscles heal up a bit before I take on the floor job.  

I need to mow the front yard but didn't have time to get to it. Maybe tomorrow it will happen.  The grass grows well in the shade of the trees.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The Morning Glory is sure pretty! Good that you got your painting dine!

  2. Nice work! And that is a lot of work! I hired my floors done, they did it so much faster and tidier than I could deal with.
    But you like to do things yourself! Good luck!
