Monday, September 9, 2024


My wife came in to have her gallbladder removed. They will not discharge her until all signs of infection are gone. The 1970s architecture is amazing with its two identical wings connected by a box shaped center one.

A common sight is the tech med cart in the hallways of the hospital. It took me a long time to figure out what that orange part was. They stash all the spent needles in it.

I would have hoped for one of the mammoth sunflowers to grow but seed must have been bad. I do like these multiple headed variety.

 The breakfast that I had earlier wasn’t enough for me. When I went to get my morning coffee while at the hospital I had to get a cranberry muffin. My diabetic meter said I could eat half of it.

I added excitement yesterday early morning by me being taken to the ER. I ate bad taco meat and fought it all night to be rid of it. To shorten the story I spent three hours there in a closet room being monitored. Della was to have a procedure done that morning. So a friend of ours came in while I went home. I am fine today. My wife has added drains to help clear infection. I don’t know when this will be finished but my wife is one tough person.


  1. Oh no, one of you in the hospital is enough at one time. Sorry to hear that Della has an infection...poor gal. Hope the drain and antibiotics help. Glad you feel better today Larry.

  2. I had my gallbladder out back in 2005 damn that's ages ago, I spent a week in hospital

  3. I sure hope things clear up for you both soon.
