Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Middle of the Week's Stuff....

 I am sharing a different shot from yesterday's morning shot. The novelty of this shot is the view of the moon up beside the clouds in the opening. I would probably have never known it was up there but accidentally I picked it up in the photo.

We had strong winds yesterday. The wind always brings in strange items into the yard including cardboard boxes or a child's worksheet from school The mixture of the leaves are diverse from all of the neighbor's trees. Sometimes I get bark from the tree across the way as it sheds bark in the fall. 



Inside the reblooming iris is blooming. The two hear are stunning. I have two stalks in this glass vase and one more stalk is developing outside right now. The rain that we are getting will help it but the flash of cold may be hard on it. I may have to go rescue it too.

This stalk has five buds on it so I should have a lot of blooms for quite some time. 

TIhe redbud tree is natually dropping its leaves but the wind yesterday helped clear things more. Now the ten or twlve hours of rain is going to help it to lose more. It has been too long since we have had rain. We are not use to hearing the sound of thunder or rain on our roof. It is suppose to be slow and steady which makes it a great rain. We need to fill up our lakes and rivers again and the soil needs to be better befor we freeze.  Daylight savings ends soon and that is good. I am preparing in my mind for the things are yet to come. 

Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get gentle rain you need for trees and perennials before it gets real cold. We got a little rain not much it just settled the dust:(
