Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bought some new plants......

Coreopsis is a hard thing to spell. I had to look it up on google. I bought one Tuesday night along with a sage plant and two hostas. The hostas are a yellow green with long narrow leaves. It is different that I had ever seen. Walmart had them for sale at three dollars a piece. When I worked for a supermarket nursery last summer, they didn't go on sale for two dollars until late June. I guess I have become a collector. I have a few hostas I think I will split up these next few days. It is really wet and will be easy digging. Victory Garden guy with a British accent says that any time of the year is the time to split hostas. The hosta above is one that I gleaned off the side of a large plant and it is doing nicely. The lawn mower chewed on it as you can see. We don't have slugs in Iowa, other that these really little ones that work in very damp areas. Thanks for reading........


  1. Hi Larry, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I saw where you were following me so I checked out your blog and left a comment on your Memorial Day post about your father. That was a good post, BTW.

    I did not know you could divide hostas any time of the year. I always thought you should do it in the spring when they start spiking through the ground. That's good to know because we have lots of hostas that need divided.

    I love coreopsis and you are right, that is a hard one to spell. I'm glad you like my back porch, we spend a lot of time out there. I hope you come back and keep leaving those comments, I love to read them.

  2. Hostas demand shade. I tried them twice in a partial shady spot, they never did well, but the ones planted around the pond, under the shade of old tree do great.
    I love the coreopsis, mine is in full bloom right now, so vibrant and "yellow", the bees love it !
    Great picture as usual, and lovely story about your mum and gran.

  3. I have hostas everywhere! It's a lovely plant....your photo is excellent! So nice to have found you! Thank you for your kind comments over on my blogs. :)
