Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thrilling Thursday....

No theme, no continuity, lots of stuff to talk about and I will be kind and talk just a little less than usual.

I just resubscribed to Garden Design magazine. I know that nothing in there will resemble anything in my yard, but they are inspirational. Sometime I actually find a photo that I would like to incorporated into a painting. The Hobby Farm Home is one I like to buy once in a while in order to bring home an idea. The pizza oven craze is catching on but I don't think it will be a reality for us yet. The magazine shows people making their own and I like to collect the different plans out there and get the concepts down. I would probably design my own with my own chosen materials they used dirt. The Garden Design magazine I keep forever and I use them as a resource and refer to them in the winter when it is so gloomy outside. I sold some at a garage sale and they bargained me down to ten cents a magazine. I thought later that I would have rather keep them around forever that be swindled of such a nice magazine. Oh well...

My planting of six peonies in a row are blooming now. It is funny how they won't bloom all at once. There are three different colors so they mature at different rates. The white one on the end will be the last to bloom.

As I plant things on this ancient property I find and dig up different things. There are bricks buried down deep, coal from an old coal shed, clay marbles of the early century time period, broken bottles and pieces of dishes, old dishes. One could deduct that the people who lived here since 1903 used the outside as their garbage dump. The slab across the bricks on my make-shift bench was dug up right there. I have found a lot of flagstone around there as well as the kitchen of the house sits on a flagstone foundation. The whole reason I took the picture was to show you the new hosta that I bought. I am still doing battle with the creeping charlie as you can see in this picture. I did work most of the day out there though pulling weeds.
Oh yes, I sprayed the three apple trees today. I did major pruning last year and I still have some more trimming to do. It isn't a fun job and the manufacturer wants me to spray them every ten days. I am going to stick to it this year as the apples have never been insect free since I planted them years back. I hate to see the fruit wasted because they are wormy so I will stay on the routine and I have the whole world watching and waiting to see the results. Thanks for reading....


  1. I have several apple trees that are so big they are impossible to spray. I really need to take them out and start over with a dwarf variety.

    I love those stones. I've found several around our farm too. They're great in landscaping.

    I'm really interested in the Garden Design magazine. I will have to pick one up and check it out. I like to follow
    she has given me many ideas on garden design which is where I need help. She lives on Prince Edward Island and she has the most beautiful English Cottage Garden. I hope you check her out.

    I want a brick oven too.......

  2. Yes, you are correct, we need inspiration, even though we usually know our projects are going to fall a little short of the glossy pictures, but hey you still get an "A" for effort right ? Or is that an "E" for effort...HELP... teacher ;)
    You come up with the BEST ideas, I just love your place.

  3. I'm really bad at getting rid of magazines because, even though I read all of them completely, when I'm bored to tears in the winter or on a rainy day, they give me something to do!

    Your yard looks unendingly interesting, by the way!
