Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oak furniture...

This is the second piece of furniture that we brought back from my parents home. I previously posted about the chest of drawers and this one is more like a vanity. I refinished it as a teenager for my room. My mom had bought it at an auction I am thinking for $7.50. It really is like a vanity as there is a top piece that holds the mirror as seen below. The chest of drawers doesn't exactly match but the carved pieces on them are alike.

The vanity that the mirror is leaning on is a simple piece that is made from poplar wood. It has a great color but is not as old as the oak pieces. I stripped off a very dark varnish off of that one.

This commode is from my wife's family and it seems to fit right in with the other two. Della and I stripped green paint of it to reveal it's wood grain. With the closing up of my parents home and the moving of Della's Dad's bedroom furniture out of our spare room, it has cause a road jam. We are packed and stacked and appear to be an antique furniture store and not a house. Our art gallery has two extra pieces in it and our dining room has extra parts for the vanity and head and foot board for a bed. We will get it all rearranged and in place eventually but we certainly won't be inviting company in for a while until we get things settled. Thanks for reading.....


  1. Well if you can't find room for it I'll be glad to take it off your hands.;D

  2. Beautiful peices...and I like the vase, even though that's not the point of the post. We have a clear one like it at the front desk at work with pink, red, and white peonies.

  3. Simply love your old oak pieces.
    You have done a wonderful job of refinishing, I would take it in a minute. A few months ago I bought an old jelly cupboard from Maine. It's now holding all my office supplies but I've got plans to use it in the kitchen, as a pantry.

  4. Beautiful pieces! You are very lucky to have them! :)
