Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday afternoon....

This is one of the iris in my garden. It is called Prissy Miss. I like the orange beard contrast to the pink petals. It is getting crowded out by a purple coneflower plant so I will move it once it is through blooming. I like coneflowers but the do have a mind of their own.

Yellow Kitty is getting old. She is so old that we date her by what was going on in our life at the time. She was an only kitten and her mother moved her into the most strange places of the house. That mother, at one time with another litter, brought all four of her kittens into our living room and placed them under our wingbacked chair. We of course found a different place for them but she worked hard to get them all in under that chair. Yellow Kitty lives in the basement now more since we adopted the border collie. He wouldn't hurt her but would harass her. She for the first time this winter, developed many mats in her fur. We increased the nutrition in her food and we are still brushing out the mats. She loves to be brushed so she is getting more attention than usual and is liking it. In the summer she would live out on our porch day and night but now that she is older we bring her in at night. In the picture she is laying by some soil I had just spilled there while potting a plant. She just laid down in the middle of it all and watched. We think she is about fourteen years old. Our two young boys then are now out of the house that many years so she is around that old.


  1. I had a similar conversation with a friend about our cat. I told her I didn't know how old "Mama" was, but I remember she showed up at our door when our daughter was about fourteen. Our kids named her "Mama" because she was pregnant when she arrived. Her real age was always a mystery. We kept two tom kittens and had Mama fixed. She passed away this spring. Our guess is she was 13 or 14.

  2. What a gorgeous Iris, I love that color !
    You have such a green thumb...
    Fourteen years old is getting up there, although she looks younger. She must get well fed, and I know she is well-loved ;)

  3. My old cat, Kuppers started getting more mats when he got older in part because he just couldn't bend well enough to lick his back and parts of his tail. Watch Yellow Kitty's kidneys at this age!
