Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday's stuff.....

My dad got interested in rock hunting from an man who lived in a ghost town near the farm of Hopeville, Iowa. My dad bought the equipment to cut and polish stones. He really got into the making of jewelry stones. This rock was one of his adventures. Our farm sits in the area of glacier action that left a lot of rocks and clay on the terrain. He found this rock on the back forty and cut a piece from it. You can see it is like a large piece of quartz with a front slab cut from it. I must have taken him and hour to cut that off of there. I have learned to use a setting on our camera that gave me a good shot of my red hollyhocks. The rains don't seem to bother the blooms.
When we adopted our Border Collie, I was hoping he would make a good garden dog and follow me around while I worked there. No, that didn't happen. He would be ok if I had the entire two lots fenced in so he could not find things to bark at or to watch go by. So I have yellow kitty as my garden cat. She follows me all over the yard, and finds dirt to roll around in while I am working. You can see the area on her side where I have had to trim off the last of her winter mats. She is almost mat free now. She is over thirteen years old now.
I like finding that new setting on our camera as I can now take better photos. Women can read those manuals and teach men so much.

I bought this lily from a man on a Saturday farmer's market in Grand Marais, Minnesota. It has been five years or so and I had forgotten about it until it started to bloom. Those farmer markets are good memories up on the north shore in early morning with sea gulls calling and flying overhead. The people are nice and the things they sell are so different. The guy who sold me the lily had planted individual sets in pots and one could see the color of lily that you were buying. He wanted me to buy two for thirteen, and he didn't know he was talking to guy raise be depression parents. One is enough at seven dollars, I can wait for it to spread. This lily has an orchid like look as that one petal never quite fully pushes out to make it symmetrical.


  1. We love Grand Marais! Did you go agate hunting when you went there? It is really pretty.
    So you have been to the U.P. then????
    That is where I live!

  2. I have been to the U. P. My wife and I took a painting trip around the lakes in '89. I still have some paintings from there including Point Betsie Lighthouse. My dad was the rock hound but I am always looking around and grabbing up the ruby red small ones.
