Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday's challenges......

I finished up the base of my porch last week. I built the most of the porch last fall but winter set in and I ran out of time. Life got very busy also.
I was able to get the primer on the bottom of the porch on Wednesday. I now need to put the final top color on the tops of the stairs, and the top floor. We selected a tan, sand color for the floor of the porch a few years back so that is what we will use. It seems to be a nice nuetral color. I just don't know if everything will get that color or just some of it.
The whole porch still won't be done as I wanted fancier railings and some victorian decorations at the top sides of the porch. I will do that some other time. If you are new to this blog, I had a smaller plain deck on the front to cover up concrete steps. I made the deck a foot deeper and tore off a three step system and added a four step system. It is so much easier to walk up to the door. I used recycle posts and built the roof myself.


  1. I think your porch looks great. I love the color of your home also. It is so pleasing and happy looking. It makes me feel good.

    Enjoy your fine work.


  2. It is looking really are a Carpenter! :)

  3. Lookin' good!
    We have a cottage we are remodeling, and my husband made a bunch of gingerbread for the porch...can't wait for the deck part to be repaired so we can put up the gingerbread!!

  4. It's looking great, you're very talented. I really like the color of your house too!
