Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday tidbits......

I don't usually take things out of peoples garbage, but last fall the neighbors across the street threw away two plastic window size box planters and inside were these little creatures. They had lost their color but I still liked their textures.
I didn't put a lot of thought in their placement, but for some reason they look great looking out from under the hosta that has grown up from behind them. I think they have an old movie black and white quality that makes them seem more than just cute things. They look like close friends even though one is a squirrel and the other a rabbit.
One more color to add to my lily review. I have a couple others that are going to bloom later and then that will be it for my collection. I had many interruptions today so I didn't get in to the yard and now it is too hot. I will paint on the porch this afternoon. Thanks for reading......


  1. Love the garbage critters AND the lily!

  2. Very cute woodland creatures. I have a bunch of those little things left over from my mom and have no idea what to do with them...wouldn't throw them away, though. How can you throw away something so cute?

  3. They do look perfect there. It looks like they are up to something, hopefully not to dig up any of your daylilies! I love the yellow of your daylily.
