Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Winding up for Wednesday.....

to make up for lost time on Tuesday.
I finished nailing on the facing boards to my porch and went out this afternoon to paint primer on the whole porch base. I was out sanding the top deck to prepare it and all of a sudden water just starts falling out of the sky, I kept sanding as I was under the roof but then water really started falling out of the sky. We have had a very humid, hot day, all day and this was not like a raincloud darkening the sky. Anyway, by the time I kept trying to ignore it, the wind picked up from the west and I had to go in to the house, grabbing my radio and the sander. Water was gushing down our sidewalk and we had a monsoon. It was depressing as I had my mind made up to get the job primed to day and the final coat of paint on tomorrow. I don't have time to stop and watch it rain. Well, it was a two inch rain and some people are really needing rain so I won't whine. Thanks for reading.....

This is a retake of a lily I tried to take just the other day. Don't you just hate it when women read directions. My wife found a special setting on our camera to take flowers, duh. I would never have read that manual. Anyway I haven't tried it yet and I may have to quit doing the trial and error form of photography. My wife can out do me anytime because she reads directions. I won't get in to it how many times I have had her help me out of a fix by reading directions.
I like the red lily most but this one is so neat because of it's perfect stripes and the subtle color. It always impresses me.


  1. What is it with men and directions? I have the same problem with Jack.;D

    Sorry to hear your porch project got backed up. I know how you feel about projects dragging on and on. I hate to start a new project until I've wrapped up an old one. Hopefully, it will dry out soon and you can finish up and move on.

  2. Rain and other happenings can definitely squelch our plans. We just have to relax and go with the flow. There is always tomorrow.

    Lovely lilies.


  3. We have done a fine job on those steps, can't wait to see the final result.
    Hahhaa men and instructions/directions what is it ?
    Now, I expect to see some REAL macro pictures, and thanks Mrs.Larry :)
    The lilies are spectacular and those bees love them.

  4. Haha! Men and directions...always the same story. Although, if Mike's having a tough time with something, he usually will. And that setting does wonders - I have it on my camera and you'll be pleasantly surprised!

  5. Both lilies are beautiful.
    Sometimes when I take the closeups of the flowers, I try BOTH the flower setting AND the zoom because the zoom sometimes does a better job at getting the you can take it both ways...!
