Sunday, August 23, 2009

At the fair, part 2

At the exhibit where all the baby animals were shown, a volunteer FFA member would pick out one baby and let people pet it while they held it. This little guy was very loving to her and liked her holding him.
My yesterday's photo blog talked about the goose herder. I cropped these two off of a badly composed picture. Geese have this look about them that makes you think they really are looking at you and thinking things about you. I did notice in my yesterdays photo that the herder had a sack of feed with him and if they got too out of control he could just throw out a handful of seed and they would regroup into a feeding frenzy.
As with the chicks, they had various kinds of ducklings that had hatched out at the fair. When we arrived they were all huddle in a big pile, but once they started waking, they all ran over a hill to the feeders to eat.
When breeders bring their Clydesdale horses for shows they also bring along the young ones to be with their mothers. I don't know this as a fact but I don't think they show the young ones. I saw two of these young horses attached to the side stalls and I believe the mothers were resting, keeping the young ones away from them for awhile. Yes, horses sleep standing up. I will show pictures of that another day.
The size of an adult Clydesdale is remarkable. One is allowed to walk up and down and see all the things that go on in the barns when a show isn't going on. It is an amazing sound hearing one of the Clydesdale clopping on concrete, being walked outside to be exercised, running up and down the concourse. Watch your feet buddy, keep them out of the way.


  1. These are wonderful photos of your county Fair. Did you know that in some counties in Michigan and Ohio they are eliminating the local fairs? FUNDING IS LOW and the states do not want to pay for it. VERY SAD. Thanks for keeping the spirit alive by sharing your photos. WONDERFUL experience.

  2. How fun! I love seeing the baby animals at the fair. My oldest daughter keeps reminding us that our state fair is next week. Those Clydesdale are amazing, we walked through their barn last year at the fair and I was a little nervous being that close to them.

  3. I liked all these was like being there at the fair! Thanks.

  4. I so agree about those great work horses, there is such a majesty to them. Occasionally you still get them pulling brewers' dray carts over here. A fine site , and a fine sound

  5. Minus the smell, I LOVE baby goats! They act like puppies...

  6. oooh love that baby Clydesdale !
    They were always my favorite horse at the shows I used to ride in...
    That little baby goat is just too cute for words..
