Monday, August 24, 2009

Iowa State Fair part 3

I saw another interview of this man from Nebraska who has his geese on parade at the fair. He weighed over 400 pounds and had to carry an oxygen tank with him continually. He started to raise geese for butchering and he started walking his geese. A few years later he now has lost a lot of his weight, no oxygen, and is walking his geese at different fairs throughout the nation. They were showing on tv where the geese are allowed to drink pop out of plastic bottles and he would let the kids hold the containers for them. They won't drink Coke. He also carries a bag of seed with him so if things get really out of hand he can toss out the seed and they all scramble back into formation.
My wife took this wonderful photo of the young man showing this big beautiful horse. While he shows it a little brother follows around behind the horse with a whip, that isn't being used, to keep it running. I think the horse has the rear view of the little guy that just keeps him alert. I saw this manuever being done in the adult shows. He is turning the horse around to run it back towards the judge. This was the 13 and under group that was showing. Click on the picture to appreciate all that is going on there even with the crowd watching.
It was a cold day at the fair and they were tired but I think cold also. The chickens had heat lamps to hover under but not the ducks.
I would be interested in seeing what kind of chicken that this becomes when it grows up. Maybe someone out there owns chickens who know what breed that it is.


  1. Those are great pictures. Makes me almost feel like I was there.


  2. What a great photo journal of the fair !
    I feel as if I have been there, and experiencing all that fun, and loving the animals....
    Just a lovely time, thanks for tagging us along ;)

  3. The horse and the boy photo and the information about them are great. Your descriptions and photos gave us a good view of the fair. Thank you.

  4. I posted a comment on this, but it is not showing up.
    I saw the guy with the geese on TV. It was amazing.
    Loved the confidence in the young man showing his horse...great shot!
