Thursday, August 13, 2009

I picked it......

Here it is in the middle of August and the majority of us have lots of tomatoes and nothing is ripening. I was out photographing zinnias and looked towards the tomato patch and I could see one lone Roma tomato, starting to turn. I picked it!!!!

I know I should have waited but at least on August 12th I can say I have harvested a tomato. My neighbor lady was talking with me and my wife and there are two known patches in our alley that do have ripening tomatoes. We were thinking that in the evening we could go and get at least one ripe one to taste. We won't.
As you can see I am going to have an abundant crop. There are three or four Roma's out there and ten or twelve that are big boy and big girl plants.
I was going to show you a new flower garden that I have planted in the city thoroughfare. I am anxious to show it to you. I will wait and that will be tomorrow. Thanks for reading....


  1. Your tomatoes are way ahead of mine...we still just have blossoms on some of them...I don't think they will make it before frost comes here....
