Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Surprise lilies and surprise birth of chicks.....

My surprise lilies proved successful but I missed the good picture by one day. The one inch rain fall took out my water hyacinth and these suprise lilies.
I am pleased to announce that this young lady hatched three gray fuzzy chicks yesterday, and that the father and mother are busy feeding them. The newspaper article said that they had flamingos for years, like other zoos, and never had hatched chicks. Apparently the last twelve years this flock has been hatching chicks on a regular basis. Pictures will be coming when the press publishes some.
My crawl space injury of a bruised rib has proved worsen the day after I did hammering and plumbing. I guess I will have to buy a nail gun and rest more to heal before I go back to work. I have broken ribs before and this isn't that severe but I hate how even the bruising affects one's rising up and sitting down. I can still type and eat, what else is there? Thanks for reading.....


  1. I see you are a lover of flowers too! This pic looks good to me but I know what you mean about missing a better shot.
    Congrats to the pink lady on the birth of her youngins ...will we get to see them?

  2. So sorry to hear about your broken ribs...I must have missed your post about did it happen?
    Be careful of pneumonia...when you have broken ribs you breathe shallow and it sets you up for pneumonia.
    Even though it hurts, give out a big cough a few times a day to clear them.
    Sorry, sometimes the retired R.N. still comes out in me. ha

  3. Those are some very pretty pink lilies. Maybe they'll recover after they dry off a bit. We were lucky that the rain here caused the plants to stand back up rather than knock them further down :)

  4. I didn't break a rib this time. I was in a crawl space working on plumbing and the space got to tight and the pressure bruised it badly. I actually think it is torn muscle. It doesn't want to heal fast as I weaken it by pushing a lawnmower. I hammered nails to put a shower stall frame together and the next day I was back at square one in pain and soreness.

  5. Absolutely fantastic shot of the flamingo.
